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Multiple Inspection Discount
You may need to inspect more than one vehicle when searching for the perfect car. Take advantage of our multiple inspection discount.
Get $30 off the second inspection
and $40 off all subsequent inspections
Coupon Code MD216
To receive this discount, inspections must be scheduled within 30 days of the date of the initial inspection and coupon code MD216 must be mentioned when scheduling appointments. This discount only applies to the person who scheduled the initial inspection and cannot be transferred to another party. Discount is valid until October 1, 2019.
Same Location Discount - 50% Off
If you want to inspect 2 cars in the same lot or in the same location, we'll take 50% off the inspection of the second car.
Coupon Code 2CAR50
To receive this discount, inspections for both cars must be schedule on the same day with back-to-back time slots. The second car being inspected must be on the same lot or within 1 mile of the of the first car being inspected.Coupon code 2CAR50 must be mentioned when scheduling appointments. The inspection for the first car will be billed at our standard price and the inspection for the second car will be discounted by 50% off our standard price. Discount is valid until October 1, 2019.
Discounts and special offers are subject to change at any time.